Task – 6

Dear People,

How’s life? I hope you’re all just safe and sound at home. Btw, here is the task for today:

(Please do step by step so that you get enough understanding before you do the assignment)

  1. Watch this https://youtu.be/08QAnDhPW0w about print and digital media and leave your comment. WATCH AGAIN AND AGAIN IF NECESSARY.
  2. Study your Beyond book pages 82-83 to confirm your understanding of the video, especially Exercises 1a, 2 and 3. You DON’T have to submit the exercises.
  3. Play quizizz game (code: 757287) with the following criteria:
  4. Your identity should be written: CLASS[space]NUMBER[space]NAME

e.g. 7D 32 JON

  1. Play as many as wish UNTIL YOU REACH AT LEAST 75%.
  2. If you redo the quizizz, USE THE SAME IDENTITY. DON’T CHANGE!
  3. THE DEADLINE of this Task 6 is today (May 6, 2020) at 11.59 PM.
  4. IF YOU HAVE PROBLEM with anything concerning English tasks, kindly contact my WhatsApp (0895413455508)
  5. Every assignment that you do will be part of your final score in the report book later. Therefore, DO IT SERIOUSLY. If you miss any task, you will get nothing for the score. Make sure you do it ON TIME!


Thank You

Mr. B



TASK 1: https://bakitusta.wordpress.com/distance-learning/task-1/?preview_id=535&preview_nonce=d4f7bf0201&preview=true

TASK 2 & 3: https://bakitusta.wordpress.com/distance-learning/tasks-2-3/?preview_id=540&preview_nonce=402fae020a&preview=true

TASK 4: https://bakitusta.wordpress.com/distance-learning/task-4/?preview_id=544&preview_nonce=6c3e630dc4&preview=true

TASK 5: https://bakitusta.wordpress.com/distance-learning/task-5/?preview_id=547&preview_nonce=e6ebf3fe0c&preview=true

TASK 7: https://bakitusta.wordpress.com/distance-learning/task-7/